In the last 50 years, while mortality rates, living standards and personal wealth have improved dramatically, there has been a systematic decline in human happiness. In the UK, less than one in five of us are ‘flourishing’ – ie, showing ‘enthusiasm for life and being actively engaged with others and in social institutions’. What’s more, most of us have only ‘moderate’ mental health, which seems absurd when its knock-on effects are so far-reaching. So to improve our mental wellbeing, we’ve gathered 10 of pieces of advice to make life a happier place to be.
Commute happier. The daily trek to the office is known to be a serious drag on wellbeing. So how can you brighten up that journey to work? Read or listen to something uplifting. Better still, say ‘good morning’ to someone new every day on the train.
Prioritise happiness in your life. But not just the idea, make the actions count. Set yourself a few manageable weekly happiness tasks, observe
how you get on and see how they make you feel.
Breathe. If you feel stressed, take a deep breath and hold it for the count of six, then breathe out to the same count. Repeat as required. This slows the heart and tells the body everything’s OK. You can even use it in the middle of a row.
Balance. Everyone talks about finding the right balance in life. Don’t be under pressure to do it all at once, but contemplate the things in life you value and start allocating more time to them.
Help others. Whether it’s family, colleagues or a stranger in the street, giving to others is shown to significantly raise happiness. Other people are the number one source of a feeling of wellbeing. So give your seat up to that new best friend on the train.
Go outside. The evidence for being outside is strong, e.g. vitamin D from the sun. The great outdoors revitalises us and keeps us healthy.
Fell gratitude. Spend time appreciating the good things in life, and think of ways to have more of them. Use the happy moments exercise.
Be creative. Creativity breeds happiness, so lose yourself doing something you truly enjoy, like dancing, painting, playing an instrument, or learning something new. 9 CHAMPION happiness with other people. Evidence tells us that happiness really is contagious. So get out there and share your enthusiasm for your wellbeing with others.
Smile. It’s one of the easiest – but also one of the most effective – happiness habits. It’s impossible to the overturn the fact that the more you smile, the happier you will be. So consciously build that smiling muscle.