HFM’s body transformer is on the home straight, over two stone lighter and almost ready for his close-up…
Week seven finished, next week is my last week and my final shoot is on Wednesday. I had my final readings on Friday and in total, I’ve lost 16kg (two and a half stone), lost 113mm of fat and my overall body fat has reduced by 6.2%. To put that in perspective, my waist was 40 inches when I started this, it’s now 36. To have achieved this in less than eight weeks is fantastic, and far more than I ever thought possible. Its been hard, really hard, but this sort of transformation was never going to be easy. It makes me realise what is possible for those who want the motivation to lose weight and tone up. For years of neglect to be undone in eight weeks shows that nobody really has an excuse not to apply themselves. A valuable lesson I’ve definitely taken from this process.
Feeling fitter
I’m still far from perfect: according to my BMI, I would still be classed as ‘overweight’ and I’m not exactly nearing a six-pack anytime soon. But it’s been a great stepping stone to what I hope will be a healthier future. I feel fitter, am more flexible than I ever remember and have realised that hard work really does pay off. I’ve never really lost weight before. Not properly anyway – I’ve just slowly got heavier as the years progressed. I think this is the case with a lot of people, and it’s almost like you need to know it’s possible before you can apply yourself. When dieting, people often give up at the first hurdle as they aren’t seeing an immediate difference, even though they’ve been making sacrifices. This is the first and hardest barrier. Once you can see what the training is doing to your body, it’s a powerful motivator.
Despite all of this I am looking forward to a beer, and some carb-y nuggets. The good people at Domino’s Pizza have taken to texting me with offers now, it’s as if they know I’m at my final furlong and are waiting with baited breath. I may take them up on one of their offers, but making it a weekly occurrence is now a thing of the past. Wish me luck!
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The bounce back begins. There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 crisis curtailed fitness routines for millions, as competitions were cancelled, training programmes postponed and events put on […]