Take vitamin D to help prevent colds and flus…
We’ve spent years debating the cold-flu situation, dosing ourselves with vitamin C and various herbal remedies. But as you might have heard, a recent study in the British Medical Journal has suggested that taking vitamin D with one of your meals could prevent cold and flu symptoms.
If this is reliable, it’s a revelation, and will dramatically affect the sales of vitamin D supplements (and may put vitamin C in the negative). While you can get vitamin D from foods, this may not be enough to warn off colds and diseases. It’s recommended that you speak to a health professional and try to gauge how much vitamin D you should supplement with your eating plan.
What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D has many functions within the body. Not only does it help to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, helping maintain healthy bones and teeth, but it also helps promote weight-loss in the body. The body generates vitamin D when exposed to the sun, but you can also get a healthy dose from foods such as salmon, cereals, eggs and orange juice.
You can purchase vitamin D supplements from Holland & Barrett from the following link: http://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/holland-barrett-vitamin-d3-tablets-10ug-60001140?&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_adid=177440578756&gclid=CIqSjuf_ltICFYkp0wodEmoBNQ