Ant Middleton, 36, is the military veteran and frontman for TV show SAS: Who Dares Wins, taking contestants through hard-core SAS training. We spoke to the Garmin […]
Taking to the vegan life is a credible commitment, but depending on your personal health and goals, you could be missing out on key nutrition. Check out […]
It’s Valentine’s day, and couples across the world will be fine dining with their partners on the most romantic day of the year. However, if you prefer […]
Here are two easy ways to make Shrove Tuesday a high protein nutrition fest Ingredients: – 2 scoops of whey protein – 1tbsp of nut butter – […]
An obstacle course about nature The Wolf Run is a 10k off-road run featuring a series of man-made and natural obstacles located throughout. It’s all about re-creating […]
With demanding work schedules and the pressure to keep on top of a hectic social life, it can sometimes seem like too much of an effort to […]
Muscle-up and get strong in just seven killer moves with this kettlebell session from previous HFM cover model James Stark How to do this workout Do these […]
This kit-free, fat-torching circuit will shift the pounds without costing you a penny Do each exercise in turn for the stated number of reps with no rest […]
Ramp up your six-pack definition with this sandbag workout What to do: Do each exercise in turn for the stated number of reps with no rest between […]
Here’s a sure-fire way to get a head start toward your muscle-building goals. Load up the weights to fully exhaust your muscles and get great whole-body results […]