If the cap fits, wear it, as the saying goes. And thanks to Phileas Cap, a new fundraising project, you soon might. Inadvertently devised by avid cloth-cap […]
It’s diet season everyday for around 40% of men in the UK, so HFM are looking at the most common diets and breaking them down into pros […]
We nearly skipped leg day, but then we spoke to the guys at Maxinutrition, who reminded us of the bigger picture. A good old squat session is obviously […]
Green tea has been said to improve metabolism, burn fat and help fend off illness, which is why it’s often including in fat-burning supplement. Matcha green tea […]
Can the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn become the first bearded prime minister since Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, who resigned in 1902?Well recent research from […]
Getting enough protein isn’t always practical, but failing to prepare is preparing to fail, so take some time to cook up these pumpkin protein bars, and start racking […]
The age old practice of using food to increase your general wellbeing has long surpassed mere spiritualism, and validated itself in the world of science. We’ve been […]
As it’s mental health awareness week, HFM have been speaking with the experts about how to increase the quality of your mental wellbeing, and help you overcome […]
In a world where certain political figures are throwing their nukes out of the pram, it’s important to promote a higher state of being amongst we progressive […]
All that work and working out can get a little stressful, so it’s important to keep on top of your happiness levels. Considering this, Healthy For Men […]