Shred that fat

Fat-burning is the magic bullet for successful weight loss and muscle definition. And if you want to switch up your metabolism to fat-burning mode the experts’ exercise format of choice is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). These drills combine short bursts of cardiovascular exercise with bodyweight-based strength moves. Try this quick workout from Steven Virtue, fitness content and programming manager at Total Fitness.

‘This HIIT workout is 12 minutes of total exercise and hits all the major muscle groups, giving you the biggest bang for your buck in the shortest space of time,’ says Virtue. ‘The goal is to fatigue and exhaust the major muscle groups. These muscles require more time to recover compared to smaller muscles. This means your resting metabolic rate will stay higher for longer after the workout, and so more calories will be burnt while resting.’

Perform as many reps as you can in the stated time, ensuring you keep good form throughout.

Squats or plyo squats
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 8 sets

1 minute rest

Sit-ups or pull-ups (if you have access to a pull-up bar or TRX)
20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 8 sets

1 minute rest

20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest x 8 sets

Photograph: iStock by Getty Images

For our full in-depth expert guide to shredding fat, see the November/December issue of Healthy For Men, on sale now in Holland & Barrett stores or online at

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