Second week down and Terry has taken me up a few gears over the past few days. In contrast to last week, we’re now doing quite a few exercises that I haven’t tried before, such as various ab workouts, wrist/ forearm sets, and we’ve used resistance bands too. If I’m honest, I always thought they were a bit pointless as they’ve got no weight on them, how wrong I was!
I’m doing pretty well on the sobriety front, I’m not really missing beer too much as I’m so preoccupied with training but the food is killing me a little bit. One day at work last week I was so full in the afternoon that my colleague had to give me a peppermint tea to help my digestion.
It’s getting better though as my body begins to need the fuel. At the start of this challenge I felt like I was force-feeding myself but now I’m beginning to get hungry more often which makes things easier. Thanks to Reflex Nutrition it’s easy to get my protein requirements straight after training and I can feel the difference in my recovery.
Now it’s kicking in, I’m not as sore as I previously was and the Nexgen multivitamins are really helping to keep my energy levels up. The bigger challenge is conquering my craving for unhealthy stuff. As a stereotypical Northerner, I’m quite partial to a pie but they’re strictly off limits and I’m pretty certain that (since I started this transformation) pie-related advertising has increased tenfold in and around central London.
Healthy convenience food
On that note, I now notice the distinct lack of healthy convenience food available on the high street, even in London. The term ‘low fat’ usually means ‘more sugar’ as fat equals flavour, so you’ve got to put something else in there to compensate. Luckily, Terry introduced me to a fantastic Mediterranean place called Badolina on Bishopsgate near Liverpool Street station after training one day. They sorted me out with a huge box full of salad and freshly grilled chicken and lamb – and it was cheap! I can’t understand why more of these kinds of places don’t exist. That box of goodness cost less than a Big Mac meal and I felt a hundred times more satiated afterwards. Surely I’m not the only person looking for something other than a sausage roll when it gets to lunchtime?
But it can be a struggle. Supermarkets need to introduce genuinely healthy food ranges that people all over the country (not just in London) can buy. Food ranges that are protein-rich and low in sugar. Try to find that in a meal deal on your lunch hour and you’ve got more chance of stumbling across a unicorn turd.
As far as my progress goes, I’m starting to see my body fat fall away and my strength increase. I’m also sleeping like a baby and my energy levels are more stable throughout the day. I’ve now got a test ahead of me as I go back home to Yorkshire for the weekend. Temptation will be around every corner, Mum’s baking and nights out with my mates, but I’m determined not to drink or touch any naughty foods: Must. Stay. Strong