This is my penultimate blog – I am so close to the finish line! I’ll be honest, the low-carb diet has been pretty rough. Carbs are obviously a prime source of energy so I’m having to get that energy from different sources, generally meaning I need to eat quite a lot more food and get energy from good fats instead. When you throw into the mix the high intensity workouts I’m now doing, you can see why I feel so drained.
We started boxing this week and it opened my eyes to how fit you have to be as a professional boxer. Those guys are in ridiculous shape and I don’t know how they go 12 rounds without passing out from exhaustion. I’ve apparently got a “mean right hand” though so I was pretty chuffed to hear that news, especially after going through six non-stop minutes of fast pad-work because “I don’t deserve no rest!”
As well as boxing we’ve also done a lot of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) which is brutal, frankly. Doing back-to-back push ups, box jumps, battle ropes and sprints all whilst wearing a weighted vest nearly killed me. I think I might have continued sweating for at least 24 hours afterwards.
I keep being asked if I’ll continue with this programme once it’s completed and the honest answer is both yes and no. I will definitely carry on with the weight training, putting into practice the vast amount of knowledge I’ve gained, and I won’t be going back to eating supermarket meal deals for lunch now I realise how rubbish and unsatisfying they are.
I’ll also be keeping a close eye on my sugar intake. I’ve had my eyes opened to the fact that sugar is in EVERYTHING. However, I like to eat dessert and drink beer too much to make this whole challenge a permanent lifestyle choice but without a doubt I will be reigning it in, as I’ve realised that the ‘quick one’ at the pub is utterly pointless and the little differences in what you eat can have a huge impact on your body.
Speaking of beer – it’s the final week now – and I can almost smell it!
With thanks to Reflex nutrition.