An obstacle course about nature
The Wolf Run is a 10k off-road run featuring a series of man-made and natural obstacles located throughout. It’s all about re-creating the feeling of running in natural terrain – ‘a wild run that would allow people to experience natural, raw running conditions as far as possible whilst also presenting runners with a challenging, interesting and enjoyable event’, say its creators.
Rugby stars
This spring, England’s 2003 Rugby World Cup heroes Mike Tindall, Will Greenwood and Neil Back are getting back together to take part in a brand new Wolf Run obstacle challenge at Pippingford Park, East Sussex on Saturday 28th April.
To celebrate the new event, the three Rugby World Cup winners will be running shoulder-to-shoulder with Saturday runners and providing a helping hand to tackle the famous Wolf Run obstacles.
Ahead of the April 28th event, The Wolf Run put Mike, Will and Neil through their paces in the infamous Mud Sucker obstacle, to give them a taste of what to expect on 28th April.
‘It’s great to have an excuse to get back together with Will and Neil,’ says Mike Tindall. ‘We definitely don’t do it enough. We occasionally bump into each other at England matches but in terms of doing something together that is a completely social and pre-arranged gathering, it just doesn’t happen.’
‘As a team back in 2003, it was the team spirit, dogged determination, dedication and unbelievable camaraderie that set us apart from the other teams. I knew that no matter who was stood to my left or my right, I could 100% rely on them to get the job done. It’s 15 years this year since that unbelievable evening but I have no doubt we’ll still have the same togetherness and team work. We’ll have to put that to good use to get us through The Wolf Run and we look forward to helping as many people as we can around the course.’