Building lean muscle mass can seem like an uphill struggle – fortunately, our experts have mapped the three steps to getting ripped. To grow muscle, you need […]
We nearly skipped leg day, but then we spoke to the guys at Maxinutrition, who reminded us of the bigger picture. A good old squat session is obviously […]
Work your biceps for strength and lean mass with this three-part blast. It kicks off with a multi-muscle move to fire up your muscle-building hormones and activate […]
Whatever your fitness activity, whether bodybuilding, boxing or running, there’s always the classic, hardcore training session that you dread beforehand and collapse from afterwards. HFM presents a […]
If you’re looking to get a pumped chest for the summer, an experienced body-builder will tell you to work on your upper chest. Although you might be […]
Pretty much everyone’s taken a grunting swipe at a punchbag: those big, heavy sausages hanging by chains from the ceilings of gyms. Whilst they’re great for developing […]
There are few training accomplishments as impressive as being able to perform 100 unbroken press-ups in a row. But it’s a surprisingly achievable feat if you can […]