National wellbeing has dipped to the lowest levels since records began. But, no matter where we’re at, we can rebuild our mental and physical fortitude. One way we can do this is focusing on our approach to work, especially if we’re working from home.
If you still have a job (many don’t), the scope of what you do may have shifted. For many, wfh over the past year has meant greater isolation, longer hours (despite no commute), and new ways of communicating (more Zoom calls, fewer restorative chats by the office kettle). Try these tips to help you take back control.
Build yourself back up
Invest in rest
‘We need to be wary of productivity for productivity’s sake,’ says Tiffany Philippou, co-host on the Is This Working? podcast. ‘Productivity is about getting your work done in an efficient amount of time. On the show, we say the key to this is rest. You can only do good work efficiently if you take proper breaks. We’d even recommend napping in the day. And yes, it’s been a hard year, so we do need managers to be compassionate as we won’t always be able to work at our usual capacity.’
Don’t get addicted
It’s easy to use work to numb or block uncomfortable feelings. ‘It’s OK to use work as a coping mechanism in the short term, but it’s good to be aware you’re doing it and allow time and space to sit in the feelings you’ve been running away from,’ says Philippou. ‘It’s better longer-term to embrace the discomfort of negative feelings. Pushing them away makes them feel worse.’
Sit with uncertainty
Right now, the future feels insecure. But ‘arguably, everything’s always been uncertain,’ says Philippou, ‘I think we’re facing the reality of how little control we have over what happens to us. Focus on what you can control, and try to take each day as it comes.’
Photograph: Stocksy

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